Engineering Projects

Established production technologies like CNC machining, forging, or casting have developed since many years. Even though 3D printing has already a history of more than 30 years, it is still a new environment to many design engineers. Nevertheless, it is inevitable to understand the common production technologies before using additive manufacturing on professional level. Especially metal printing requires usually conventional post machining steps and thus, usually 2D drawings. 

At AdditiveService you can order the design of special purpose machines which are completely detached from additive manufacturing. 

Obviously, as a mechanical design engineer it is required to select the most suitable production technology to complete the requirements, but only if 3D printing is fully understood, it can be beneficial for a project.
Since the requirements of special purpose machines can be very diverse, each project needs to be discussed individually.  Whether a 3D printed component will be integrated or not, at AdditiveService you can request single part designs, parts for serial production, assemblies and drawings for production.

Example Project

Design of a sandal according to customer's requirements

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